Medieval and Modern Philology and Literature

The area of Medieval and Modern Philology and Literature deals with research and teaching activities related to Italian Philology, History of Italian Language and Literature, Comparative Literature, Medieval Latin Literature, Language and Philology and Romance Philology. The analysis of Literary texts is framed within an European and Italian perspective, and covers a period going from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era. The research focuses on historical, cultural, linguistic, rhetorical, stylistic, metrical, narratological aspects of literary texts, and on their philological study (textual philology and history of the manuscript tradition). Great importance is given to multidisciplinary and comparative approach, as well as to the use of innovative methods.
Chiara Maria Concina
Associate Professor
Fabio Danelon
Full Professor
Edoardo Ferrarini
Associate Professor
Fabio Forner
Associate Professor
Massimo Natale
Associate Professor
Stefano Pagliaroli
Associate Professor
Paolo Pellegrini
Full Professor
Giuseppe Sandrini
Associate Professor
Arnaldo Soldani
Full Professor
Corrado Viola
Full Professor
Alessandra Zangrandi
Associate Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Philology and palaeography; historical linguistics (see  ERC classification)
Epistolography Alessandra Zangrandi
Edition and interpretation of modern and contemporary epistolary texts
Italian philology and inguistics Paolo Pellegrini
Really italian language and literature. Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio. Classical tradition and Humanism. Medieval and humanistic philology. History of Philology and Linguistics.
Formal features of the works of Petrarch and Petrarchism Arnaldo Soldani
Formal analysis of Petrarch’s vernacular works and their development in Petrarchism between 15th and 16th century (language, style, metrics, forms of the argumentation, organization of the songbooks)
Formal features and narrative languages in the chivalric romance Arnaldo Soldani
Narrative structures and discursive forms of italian chivalric romance, with particular attention to the works of Boiardo, Ariosto, and Tasso.
Functions of voice in lyrical texts Arnaldo Soldani
Functions and position of the authorial voice in the Italian lyrical tradition, from the origins to the modern age, in reference to composition of songbooks and definition of internal temporality.
Lessicografia medievale Antonio De Prisco
Strumenti lessicografici cartacei e digitali per lo studio del latino medievale.
Anglo-Norman Language and Literature Chiara Maria Concina
Study of the Language, Literature and manuscripts of the Anglo-Norman Period (XII-XIV centuries).
Medieval Catalan Language and Literature Chiara Maria Concina
Study Medieval Catalan Literature and Language (giving special attention to the literary works and to their manuscript tradition).
Lingua latina medievale Antonio De Prisco
Latino in uso nella produzione letteraria e documentaria dell'età medievale.
Metrics Alessandra Zangrandi
History of different metrical schemas in Italian literature's authors
Medieval Travel Accounts (Sinica Mediaevalia Europaea) Chiara Maria Concina
Study of Medieval Travel Accounts written in romance languages and of their manuscript traditions (XIII-XV cent.).
'Outremer': Texts and Manuscripts of the Latin East Chiara Maria Concina
Study of the Old French Texts and of the Manuscripts produced in the Crusader States.
Prosody of the Italian verse Arnaldo Soldani
Definition of scansion criteria for the prosody of Italian verses, with particular attention to the hendecasyllable. Digital storage and analysis of rhythmical patterns of the Italian poetic tradition, from the origins to the modern age.
Reception of Boethius's «De consolatione Philosophiae» Chiara Maria Concina
Study of the reception of Boethius's «De consolatione Philosophiae» in the later Middle Ages, with special attention to its Romance translations.
History of italian metrical forms Arnaldo Soldani
Origins and development of metrical forms in the Italian tradition, especially regarding sonnet, canzone, octave, and unrhymed hendecasyllable. Relation between metrical forms and syntactic and argumentative structures.
History of Italian literary Language Alessandra Zangrandi
History of Italian literary Language, reported to modern and contemporary authors
Theory and history of italian metricology Arnaldo Soldani
Study of the Italian metricological reflection, from Dante to our days, in reference to the theoric premises and the descriptive practice about verses and metrical forms.
Translations of the classics from greek into latin in the humanistic age Stefano Pagliaroli
Study of latin translations from the greek in the humanistic age with particular regard to the latin version of Erodoto by Lorenzo Valla
History of Italian poetic language Arnaldo Soldani
Develompment of Italian poetic language as a separate code from the one of prose, and its subsequent dismantling in the modern age.
Theory and history of literature, comparative literature standard compliant  ERC
Contemporary writers' archives Giuseppe Sandrini
Researches on the autobiography (diaries, letters) and on the archives of 20th century writers like Giani Stuparich, Giovanni Comisso, Goffredo Parise
Dante and Dante’s study in the 20th Century Corrado Viola
Reception and fortunes of Dante in the literature and critical studies of the 20th Century (in particular Mario Apollonio)
Forms and themes in Italian tragic tradition Massimo Natale
Forms and themes in Italian tragic tradition, from Tasso to Manzoni
Ancient Culture and Literature in Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature Massimo Natale
The reception of Greek and Latin Literature in Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature, from Tasso to Zanzotto
Giacomo Leopardi Massimo Natale
Study of works, thought and heritage of Giacomo Leopardi
Leopardi, Manzoni and their literary legacy Giuseppe Sandrini
Studies on the heritage of Giacomo Leopardi and Alessandro Manzoni in European and Italian 20th century literature
Italian Literature Lexicography Corrado Viola
Lexical examinations and inventories of Italian literature
Literature and Landscape Corrado Viola
Literature and Mountain. Poetry of the sublime Alpine between 18th and 20th Century
Literature and landscape Giuseppe Sandrini
Studies on the relations between writers and Italian nature and landscape; travel literature and journeys in Italy
Letteratura italiana Fabio Forner
Storia della letteratura italiana, con particolare attenzione alla letteratura dei secoli XIV, XV, XVI e XVIII. Il genere epistolare costituisce un oggetto precipuo di ricerca.
Italian literature. Thematic criticism Fabio Danelon
Representation and image of the family and domestic interior in Italian literary tradition
Italian literature of the nineteenth century Fabio Danelon
Narrative, critique and literary historiography. He dedicates particular attention, as regards criticism and literary historiography, to the works of Giovita Scalvini, Paolo Emiliani Giudici, Cesare Cantù, Luigi Settembrini. For the narrative, and for the overall cultural role, he focuses especially on the work and the figure of Alessandro Manzoni and Niccolò Tommaseo.
19th and 20th Century Italian Literature Corrado Viola
Neoclassical and protoromantic literature (especially Foscolo and Pindemonte); Poetry of the Risorgimento (above all C. Betteloni); Narrative (Manzoni, Giacosa, Salgari, Mancinelli etc.)
Italian literature of the twentieth century Fabio Danelon
Narrative and literary criticism of the Italian twentieth century. He dedicates particular attention, among others, to the narrative works of Pirandello and Svevo; he is interested in the figures of some Italian literary critics of the late twentieth century (Emilio Bigi, Luigi Baldacci); he studies the literary production of Pier Paolo Pasolini above all in relation with the Italian literary tradition.
17th-18th Century Italian Literature Corrado Viola
Epistolography, criticism, erudition, journalism and literary historiography, with particular attention to the edition and philological care of texts, especially unpublished, and documents, especially letters, of the principal authors (Muratori, Maffei, Parini, Bettinelli, Metastasio, Tiraboschi, Cesarotti, Alfieri, etc.); The Academy of Arcadia; The Republic of letters in the 17th-18th Century between national space and European dimension
Italian literature of the eighteenth century Fabio Danelon
Literature and literary historiography of the Italian eighteenth century, with particular attention to the edition of the writings, especially unpublished, and of the correspondence of Gianmaria Mazzuchelli.
Medieval Latin Literature Antonio De Prisco
Edoardo Ferrarini
Genres, authors and texts of Medieval Latin Literature (from the VI to the XIV century)
Italian 20th century poetry Massimo Natale
Forms and themes in Italian 20th century poetry, with particular attention to Andrea Zanzotto, and to Mario Luzi, Vittorio Sereni, Fernando Bandini
Italian poets of the 20th century Giuseppe Sandrini
Forms and themes in Italian 20th century poetry, with particular attention to Dino Campana, Umberto Saba, Vittorio Sereni e Andrea Zanzotto
Ancient literature in Modern and Contemporary Italian literature Giuseppe Sandrini
Studies on the reception of Greek and Latin literature in Modern and Contemporary Italian literature, with particular attention to Leopardi and 20th century writers
History of Italian literature Corrado Viola
History of Italian literature from the Origins to 21th Century, with particular attention to the 16th-20th Centuries, to the forms of the literary genres, to the processes of defining literary canon, to the relations with the other literary traditions
Gruppi di ricerca
Name Description URL
DEaMoNs research group – Digital early modern networks Il gruppo di ricerca DEaMoNs costituisce una piattaforma internazionale volta a mettere in rete studiosi appartenenti a contesti accademici e tradizioni storiografiche diverse, che si occupino di “connected histories” e che, possibilmente, abbiano inserito un elemento metodologico digitale nella propria analisi storica. Infatti, i progetti di ricerca interdisciplinari che trattano una grande quantità di dati, possono beneficiare dell’uso di sofisticate tecnologie per l’esplorazione di dati storici e per la rappresentazione sinottica di un dato fenomeno relazionale.
Giani Stuparich e la letteratura triestina Il gruppo svolge ricerche sullo scrittore triestino Giani Stuparich, uno dei più significativi esponenti della generazione de «La Voce», la cui opera viene indagata e riproposta alla luce delle carte inedite conservate in archivi pubblici e privati
Prospettive di ricerca su Andrea Zanzotto Il gruppo si occupa di Andrea Zanzotto, uno dei più importanti poeti del secondo Novecento. Si propone di studiare l'opera di Zanzotto anche a partire dal suo archivio personale, conservato nella casa di Pieve di Soligo (Treviso)
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
PRIN 2022 Carte Tommaseo on-line Fabio Danelon 10/17/23 24
L'archivio di Andrea Zanzotto Giuseppe Sandrini 1/1/20 48
Letteratura e forme del paesaggio Giuseppe Sandrini 1/1/20 48


Research facilities
