Laboratorio di lingua accadica

Laboratorio di lingua accadica

Il laboratorio (crediti F) di Lingua accadica inizierà il 17/2/2020 alle ore 14 in aula 1.2 e si terrà ogni lunedì col medesimo orario.
Publication date
Tuesday, January 14, 2020 - 11:37:23 AM
Laboratorio di lingua accadica
Published by
Simonetta Ponchia
History of the Ancient Near East (i) (2019/2020)
History of the Ancient Near East (i+p) - I MODULO PARTE (I) (2019/2020)
History of the Ancient Near East (i+p) - II MODULO PARTE (P) (2019/2020)
History of the Ancient Near East (p) (2019/2020)
Workshop on akkadian language (2019/2020)