PRIN 2017 - Le parti del discorso incontrano la retorica: alla ricerca della sintassi, nella continuità tra Medioevo ed Età moderna

Starting date
January 20, 2020
Duration (months)
Cultures and Civilizations
Managers or local contacts
Cotticelli Paola
Storia della linguistica, metalinguaggio, POS, sintassi, retorica


MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Funds: assigned and managed by the department
Syllabus: PRIN

Project participants

Paola Cotticelli
Full Professor
Francesca Cotugno
Temporary Professor
Alfredo Rizza
Associate Professor
Research areas involved in the project
Philology and palaeography; historical linguistics
Title Authors Year
Alcuin. A dialectic practice of grammar Rizza, Alfredo; Merlin, Stella 2023
Expressing pain from the Antiquities to the Middle Ages: Heu as a part of speech Cotugno, Francesca 2023
Iunctura nei testi grammaticali medievali: percorsi di metalinguaggio sintattico Cotticelli, Paola; Cotugno, Francesca 2023
Metalanguage, glossing, and conceptualization in the grammars of the Middle Ages Cotticelli, Paola 2023
Metalanguage, glossing, and conceptualization in the grammars of the Middle Ages. Introduction Cotticelli, Paola 2023
The meaningful communicative exchange in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Age Cotticelli-Kurras, Paola 2023
The metalanguage of clause structures in medieval grammars: what is about dependent clauses? Cotticelli, Paola 2023
Vox, constructio, sententia. Particolarità in Alcuino di York Rizza, A. 2023
From clausula to clause, 2000 years of metalinguistic history Cotticelli, Paola 2022
Brevitas as a rhetorical strategy in advertising language: Italian slogans and brand names as case study Cotticelli, Paola 2021
“Constructio and related terms in Medieval grammars: toward a theory of syntax Cotticelli, Paola 2021
Expositio in the Middle Age grammars and commentaries Cotticelli, Paola 2021
Grammarian’s teaching vs. Actual use: the use of conjunctions in the Vindolanda writing tablets Cotugno, Francesca 2021
La riscoperta della sintassi nella storiografia linguistica dalla fine del Novecento: le frasi dipendenti Cotticelli, Paola 2021
Regimen vs. ordo: how to build phrases with words in ME grammars Cotticelli, Paola 2021
The legacy of Priscian and the doctrine of syntax in the Medieval Grammars Cotticelli, Paola 2021


Research facilities
