ricevimento secondo semestrino

ricevimento secondo semestrino

Il ricevimento studenti, sia in presenza che da remoto, si tiene il lunedì dalle 9:30 alle 11:15.

Publication date
Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - 9:06:36 AM
ricevimento secondo semestrino
Published by
Simonetta Ponchia
History of the Ancient Near East (i) (2022/2023)
History of the Ancient Near East (i) (2020/2021)
History of the Ancient Near East (i+p) - II MODULO PARTE (P) (2020/2021)
History of the Ancient Near East (i+p) - I MODULO PARTE (I) (2022/2023)
History of the Ancient Near East (i+p) - I MODULO PARTE (I) (2020/2021)
History of the Ancient Near East (p) (2020/2021)
Introduction to ancient Near Eastern literature (m) (2020/2021)