Ancient history

Edoardo Bianchi
Associate Professor
Alfredo Buonopane
Temporary Professor
Federico Giusfredi
Associate Professor
Simonetta Ponchia
Associate Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Languages and Cultures of the Ancient Near East Federico Giusfredi
Historical philological and linguistic study of the cultures of the Ancient Near East.
Auxiliary sciences of History CN Inscriptions. Epigraphy Alfredo Buonopane
Edition of Roman age inscriptions in Latin and Greek. Update of the most important Corpora and implementation of the Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR). Studies about inscriptions on manufacts and daily use objects (instrumentum inscriptum). Epigraphy of production, distribution, consume and recycle.
History of the Mediterranean from the Archaic age to the Hellenistic period. Edoardo Bianchi
My research focuses on: the history of the Mediterranean basin in the Archaic period; the political and cultural relations between the Greeks, the Romans and the Etruscans (VI-III centuries BCE); modern historiographical perspectives on Archaic Greece and Rome.
History of the Ancient Near East Federico Giusfredi
Simonetta Ponchia
History of ancient civilizations of the Syro-Mesopotamian and Anatolian regions, especially in the first millennium BC; history of socio-political and juridical institutions; Mesopotamian literary texts; contacts and cultural transmission in the ancient Mediterranean area
History of the Ancient Near East and Mesopotamia Simonetta Ponchia
Cultural Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East Sumero-Akkadian literary tradition History of slavery in Syro-Mesopotamian societies Institutions, administrative structures, juridical procedures (First Millennium BC esp.)


Research facilities
