
Registration year 2007/2008

Curriculum Internazionale

The total number of Number of ECTS credits allocated is 300.

Training activities Curriculum
Year Credits TTA Activity Academic year of attendance
1° 2° 3° A Geography (i) (M-GGR/01) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° A
I.2 - Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Historical Geography (i) (M-GGR/01) 3 2007/2008
Regional Geography (i) (M-GGR/01) 3 2007/2008
Urban geography (p) (M-GGR/01) 3 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° A
I.1 - Uno o due insegnamenti a scelta tra i seguenti per complessivi 6 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Archive-keeping (i) (M-STO/08) 6 2007/2008
Diplomatics (i) (M-STO/09) 3 2007/2008
Latin Paleography (i) (M-STO/09) 6 2007/2008
Latin Paleography (p) (M-STO/09) 3 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° B History of Political Institutions (i) (SPS/03) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° B History of Political Institutions (p) (SPS/03) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° B History of the political doctrine (i) (SPS/02) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° B History of science (i) (M-STO/05) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° A/B/S
I.3 - Due insegnamenti a scelta tra i seguenti per complessivi 9 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Early Modern History (i) (M-STO/02) 6 2007/2008
Early Modern (p) (M-STO/02) 3 2007/2008
Medieval History (i) (M-STO/01) 6 2007/2008
Medieval History (p,1) (M-STO/01) 3 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C Italian literature (i) (L-FIL-LET/10) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C History of the Italian Language (i) (L-FIL-LET/12) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C History of the Italian Language (p,1) (L-FIL-LET/12) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C
I.5 - Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Medieval and Humanistic Philology (i) (L-FIL-LET/13) 3 2007/2008
Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature (i) (L-FIL-LET/11) 3 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C
I.6 - Due insegnamenti a scelta (moduli) per complessivi 9 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English Linguistics (i,1) (L-LIN/12) 3 2007/2008
English Linguistics (i,2) (L-LIN/12) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program English Linguistics (p) (L-LIN/12) 3 2007/2008
English Literature (i) (L-LIN/10) 6 2007/2008
English Literature (p) (L-LIN/10) 3 2007/2008
French (i) (L-LIN/04) 6 2007/2008
French Literature (i) (L-LIN/03) 6 2007/2008
French Literature (p) (L-LIN/03) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program French (p) (L-LIN/04) 3 2007/2008
German (i) (L-LIN/14) 6 2007/2008
German Literature (i9 (L-LIN/13) 6 2007/2008
German Literature (p) (L-LIN/13) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program German (p) (L-LIN/14) 3 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C
I.14 - Lingua straniera triennale (certificazione CLA):
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program English - Level A2 (L-LIN/12) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program French - Level A2 (L-LIN/04) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program German - Level A2 (L-LIN/14) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program Russian - Level A2 (L-LIN/21) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program Spanish - Level A2 (L-LIN/07) 3 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C Specific activities of this program Sociology of Political Phenomenon (i) (SPS/11) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C Sociology of Cultural Processes (i) (SPS/08) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C History of the Medieval Church (i) (M-STO/07) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C Specific activities of this program History of the Medieval Church (p) (M-STO/07) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° 18  A/B/S
I.7 - Insegnamenti a scelta tra i seguenti per complessivi 18 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Ancient Greek History (i) (L-ANT/02) 6 2007/2008
Contemporary History (i) (M-STO/04) 6 2007/2008
Contemporary History (p) (M-STO/04) 3 2007/2008
Early Modern History (i) (M-STO/02) 6 2007/2008
Early Modern (p) (M-STO/02) 3 2007/2008
Greek History (p) (L-ANT/02) 3 2007/2008
Medieval History (i) (M-STO/01) 6 2007/2008
Medieval History (p,1) (M-STO/01) 3 2007/2008
Roman History (i) (L-ANT/03) 6 2007/2008
Roman History (p) (L-ANT/03) 3 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° A/B/S
I.8 - Due insegnamenti a scelta tra i seguenti per complessivi 6 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program Greek Epigraphy (p) (L-ANT/02) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program Historical Geography of the Ancient World (p) (L-ANT/03) 3 2007/2008
History of Ancient Italian States (i) (M-STO/02) 3 2007/2008
History of Ancient Italian States (p) (M-STO/02) 3 2007/2008
History of Modern Historiography (i) (M-STO/02) 3 2007/2008
History of Modern Historiography (p) (M-STO/02) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program History of the Ancient Near East (p) (L-OR/01) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program History of the Renaissance (i) (M-STO/04) 3 2007/2008
History of the Renaissance (p) (M-STO/02) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program Latin Epigraphy (i) (L-ANT/03) 6 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program Latin Epigraphy (p) (L-ANT/03) 3 2007/2008
Medieval History (p,2) (M-STO/01) 3 2007/2008
Renaissance History (i) (M-STO/02) 3 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program Roman Antiquity (p) (L-ANT/03) 3 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° B/S
I.9 - Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti per complessivi 6 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Archaeology and History of Greek and Roman Art (i) (L-ANT/07) 6 2007/2008
History of Medieval Art (i) (L-ART/01) 6 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program History of Modern and Contemporary Music (i) (L-ART/07) 6 2007/2008
History of Modern Art (i) (L-ART/02)
[Cognomi A-K]
[Cognomi L-Z]
6 2007/2008
Methodology and Techniques of Archaeological Research (i) (L-ANT/10) 6 2007/2008
The History of Contemporary Art (i) (L-ART/03) 6 2007/2008
Topography of Ancient Italy (i) (L-ANT/09) 3 2007/2008
Topography of Ancient Italy (p) (L-ANT/09) 3 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C/S
I.4 - Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Cultural Anthropology (i) (M-DEA/01) 6 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program History of Modern and Contemporary Music (i) (L-ART/07) 6 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° C/S
I.10 - Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Comparative Literature (i) (L-FIL-LET/14) 6 2007/2008
General Linguistics (p) (L-LIN/01) 6 2007/2008
Indo-European Linguistics (p) (L-LIN/01) 6 2007/2008
Medieval and Humanistic Philology (p) (L-FIL-LET/13) 6 2007/2008
Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature (p) (L-FIL-LET/11) 6 2007/2008
Phonetics and Phonology (p) (L-LIN/01) 6 2007/2008
Romance Philology (i) (L-FIL-LET/09) 6 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° S Latin Literature A (i) (L-FIL-LET/04) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° S Introduction to Language Study (i) (L-LIN/01) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° S Basic Information Technology (i) (INF/01) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° 12  D Specific activities of this program Students free choice activities (art. 10, par. 1, letter D, m.D. 509/99) (-) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° F Further triennial activities (-) 2007/2008
1° 2° 3° E Final test (L) (-) 2007/2008
A Specific activities of this program Historical cartography (s) (M-GGR/01) 2007/2008
A Specific activities of this program Latin Paleography (s) (M-STO/09) 2007/2008
A Specific activities of this program Temi e tendenze attuali della ricerca (s) (M-STO/02) 2007/2008
A/B Specific activities of this program Fonti per la ricerca storica (s) (M-STO/02) 2007/2008
4° 5° A
I.11 - Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program Medieval hagiography (s) (M-STO/01) 5 2010/2011
Specific activities of this program Statuti e fonti normative nelle città medievali: il caso italiano nel contesto europeo (s) (M-STO/01)
5 2007/2008
4° 5° 10  B
I.12 - Due insegnamenti a scelta tra i seguenti per complessivi 10 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program Europa ludens: play and leisure in the pre-industrial city (s) (M-STO/02)
5 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program Storia culturale e sociale della medicina: tra saperi e pratiche (s) (M-STO/02) 5 2007/2008
Specific activities of this program Storia della Repubblica di Venezia nell'età moderna (s) (M-STO/02) 5 2008/2009
B Specific activities of this program Rappresentazioni visive nella scienza in età moderna (s) (M-STO/05) 2007/2008
B Specific activities of this program Historia de las practicas judiciales penales y de las culturas juridicas europeas y del mundo atlantico (s) (SPS/03) 2007/2008
10  E/F Attività formative in preparazione dell'esame finale (-) 2010/2011
S Specific activities of this program Risorse informatiche per la ricerca storica (s) (M-STO/02) 2007/2008
D Specific activities of this program Seminari a scelta (IV anno) (-) 2010/2011
B Specific activities of this program Oltre l'oceano: percorsi dell'emigrazione italiana e spagnola in prospettiva comparata (s) (SPS/05) 2008/2009
B Specific activities of this program Storia economica (s) (SECS-P/12) 2011/2012
B Specific activities of this program Utilizzazione delle immagini (s) (L-ART/02) 2008/2009
C Specific activities of this program Identità femminili nella storia religiosa del medioevo italiano (s) (M-STO/07) 2008/2009
I.15 - Lingua straniera specialistica (certificazione CLA): si richiede il livello B1 completo per una lingua diversa da quella sostenuta nel triennio o il B2 completo per la stessa lingua del triennio:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program English B1 (L-LIN/12) 5 2011/2012
Specific activities of this program English - Level B2 (L-LIN/12) 5 2011/2012
Specific activities of this program French - level B1 (L-LIN/04) 5 2011/2012
Specific activities of this program French - Level B2 (L-LIN/04) 5 2011/2012
Specific activities of this program German - Level B1 (L-LIN/14) 5 2011/2012
Specific activities of this program German - Level B2 (L-LIN/14) 5 2011/2012
Specific activities of this program Russian - Level B1 (L-LIN/21) 5 2011/2012
Specific activities of this program Russian - Level B2 (L-LIN/21) 5 2011/2012
Specific activities of this program Spanish - Level B1 (L-LIN/07) 5 2011/2012
Specific activities of this program Spanish - Level B2 (L-LIN/07) 5 2011/2012
I.13 - Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program La canzone popolare come strumento di comunicazione politica nell'Italia del Novecento (s) (M-STO/04) 5 2011/2012
Specific activities of this program La politica nell'Europa liberale (s) (M-STO/04) 5 2008/2009
S Specific activities of this program Seminari (V anno) (M-STO/02) 2011/2012
D Specific activities of this program Seminari a scelta (V anno) (-) 2011/2012
20  E Final exam (-) 2011/2012

Type of training activity (TTA)
A Basic activities
B Characterizing activities
C Related or complementary activities
D Activities to be chosen by the student
E Final examination
F Other activitites
S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations
Specific activities of this program Specific activities of this program