Master's degree in European History and Geography

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Course curriculum: training activities divided by year of enrollment
Year Credits TTA Activity Academic year of attendance
12  B Fonti e tendenze della ricerca storica (m) - Sources and trends for historical research (m) (M-STO/01 ,M-STO/02) 2011/2012
B Cartografia per la storia (m) - Historical cartography (m) (M-GGR/01) 2011/2012
C Iconografia e iconologia (m) - Iconography and iconology (m) (L-ART/02) 2011/2012
18  B
Tre insegnamenti a scelta tra i seguenti :
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Cultural history (m) (M-STO/02) 6 2011/2012
Historical anthropology (m) (M-STO/02) 6 2011/2012
History of cultural institutions (m) (M-STO/04) 6 2011/2012
History of late modern Europe (m) (M-STO/04) 6 2011/2012
Medieval History (m) (M-STO/01) 6 2011/2012
Social and cultural history of medicine (m) (M-STO/02) 6 2011/2012
Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Archive-keeping (m) (M-STO/08) 6 2011/2012
Latin Paleography (m) (M-STO/09) 6 2011/2012
Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Didactics of history (m) (M-STO/01) 6 2011/2012
Information technology for historical research (m) (M-STO/01) 6 2011/2012
Lingua straniera competenza linguistica liv. b1 (informatizzato):
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English B1 (CB Test) (-) 6 2011/2012
French B1 (CB Test) (-) 6 2011/2012
German B1 (CB Test) (-) 6 2011/2012
Russian B1 (CB Test) (-) 6 2011/2012
Spanish B1 (CB Test) (-) 6 2011/2012
12  B
Due insegnamenti a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
History of international organizations (m) (SPS/03) 6 2012/2013
History of Political Doctrines (m) (SPS/02) 6 2012/2013
Hystory of Christianity and of the Churches (m) (M-STO/07) 6 2012/2013
Italy and Europe geography (m) (M-GGR/02) 6 2012/2013
The History of science (m) (M-STO/05) 6 2012/2013
Un insegnamento a scelta tra i seguenti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
History and Institutions of Africa (m) (SPS/13) 6 2012/2013
Storia e istituzioni delle Americhe (m) (SPS/05) 6 2012/2013
12  D Attivita' formative a scelta dello studente  
30  E Dissertazione - Final examination (-) 2012/2013

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

A Basic activities
B Characterizing activities
C Related or complementary activities

DActivities to be chosen by the student
EFinal examination
FOther activitites

SPlacements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Per informazioni complete su obiettivi e sbocchi professionali, consulta la Scheda Unica Annuale "SUA-CdS" sul sito Universitaly.
