Daniele Bursich

Foto Daniele Bursich,  12 marzo 2024
Settore disciplinare
daniele|bursich*univr|it <== Sostituire il carattere | con . e il carattere * con @ per avere indirizzo email corretto.

My academic career as an archaeologist began in 2004 with the excavation of Calvatone bedriacum directed by professor Maria Teresa Grassi. I took part in this project until 2020. With her I was able to carry out many digitization activities, from simple cad drawing to photogrammetry. From 2007 to 2010 I was involved in the PALMAIS research project directed by prof. Maria teresa Grassi, for whom I was in charge of designing, organizing and managing the GIS system of the mission. My master thesis was on the digitization and analysis of the thresholds found inside the large peristyle building that we were excavating. From 2011 to 2015 I collaborated with the University of Florence, Faculty of Architecture, with professors Stefano Bertocci and Sandro Parrinello, surveying a large part of Villa Adriana and the entire fortified citadel of Masada in Israel with laser technologies, drones and photogrammetry. My specialization thesis was in fact on the digitization of the Roman fields of masada. Ph.D at the University of Salerno with an urban planning thesis on Selinunte, which involves the 3D scanning of all the streets and road systems of the Greek city of Sicily. The project is in collaboration with the University of New York, for the professor Clemente Marconi.


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