Hristina Ivanova-Anaplioti

Settore disciplinare

Hristina Ivanova-Anaplioti is a Research Fellow in the Department of Cultures and Civilizations and is working on the portraiture of the Septimius Severus and Caracalla for the RESP project. She is a classical archaeologist specialised in ancient numismatics. Her research interests include Greek and Roman Provincial Numismatics, especially in Thrace, Macedonia and Greece, coin finds and circulation, digital numismatics, field archaeology, space syntax analyses, Greek sanctuaries, and various stylistic and iconographic subjects. She studied Classical and Near Eastern archaeology at the universities of Heidelberg, Athens, and the Humboldt University of Berlin, where she defended her PhD thesis including a die study of the complete coinage of Apollonia Pontica. She has worked as a student assistant for Corpus Nummorum, a research assistant at the German Archaeological Institute for the projects Kalapodi and Samos, an assistant and postdoc researcher at the University of Zurich, as well as for the Archaeological Services of St. Gallen. She is collaborating with the projects Corpus Nummorum, Measuring Ancient Thrace, Ancient Coin Counterfeit Scientific Network and is the head of the digital numismatics team of the project Upgrading the Historical Narrative: DigiDeultum.


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