The project aims at gaining knowledge and understanding about the evolution of Cultural Geography at international level, with a specific focus on the Anglophone and in particular the UK context. Since the birth of the sub-discipline Anglophone Cultural Geography has been playing a leading and hegemonic role at international level, with the US and the UK being alternatively, at different time stages, the major agent of disciplinary innovation.
Specific attention will be payed to the fundamental turn accured within the discipline in the late ’80 in the UK which gave birth to the so called “new Cultural Geography”, and to the disciplinary changes that followed.
After this historical overview, the project will focus on the recent international disciplinary debate and will attempt to provide a synthesis of the last decade research trends, seeking to identify possible new calls.
In a later stage, the project will aim at mapping the XXI century Cultural Geography scientific production at international and regional level, localizing thematic interests and identifying the major institutional agents and existing networks.