Stefano Pagliaroli

Stefano Pagliaroli,  February 24, 2024
Associate Professor
Academic sector
LIFI-01/B - Philology of Italian Literature
Research sector (ERC-2024)
SH5_1 - Classics, ancient literature

SH5_4 - Philology; text and image studies

SH5_2 - Theory and history of literature, comparative literature

Research sector (ERC)
SH5_3 - Philology and palaeography; historical linguistics

Polo Didattico Zanotto,  Floor 2,  Room 18
+39 045 8028056
stefano|pagliaroli*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Offices within the University
Squadre di emergenza del Dipartimento di Culture e Civiltà  - Componente

Office Hours

Wednesday, Hours 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM,  


Medieval and Humanistic Philology; Philology and History of Italian Literature and Language;  Classica, Medieval and Humanistic History and Philology of Greek and Latin Literature and Language; History of Classical Tradition; Textual Criticism; Translations from Greek to Latin in the Humanistic Age; Greek and Latin Palaeography; Study of Manuscripts and Incunabula; History of Libraries and Archives; Laurentius Valla; Herodotus; Aldus Manutius; Greek Humanists.


Modules running in the period selected: 32.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Foundations and Teaching of Linguistics (2024/2025)   8    (Parte II)
Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media Italian philology for publishing (2024/2025)   6  eLearning
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Medieval and Humanistic Philology (p) (2024/2025)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media Philology of digital texts (2024/2025)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Foundations and Teaching of Linguistics (2023/2024)   8  eLearning (Parte II)
Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media Italian philology for publishing (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Medieval and Humanistic Philology (p) (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media Philology of digital texts (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Primary teacher education Foundations and Teaching of Linguistics (2022/2023)   8  eLearning (Parte II)
Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media Italian philology for publishing (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Medieval and Humanistic Philology (p) (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media Philology of digital texts (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media Italian philology for publishing (2021/2022)   6  eLearning
Master’s degree in Tradition and Interpretation of Literary Texts Medieval and Humanistic Philology (m) (2019/2020)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Medieval and Humanistic Philology (p) (2019/2020)   6   
Master’s degree in Tradition and Interpretation of Literary Texts Medieval and Humanistic Philology (m) (2018/2019)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Medieval and Humanistic Philology (p) (2018/2019)   6   
Master’s degree in Tradition and Interpretation of Literary Texts Medieval and Humanistic Philology (m) (2017/2018)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Medieval and Humanistic Philology (p) (2017/2018)   6   
Master’s degree in Tradition and Interpretation of Literary Texts Medieval and Humanistic Philology (m) (2016/2017)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Medieval and Humanistic Philology (p) (2016/2017)   6   
Master’s degree in Tradition and Interpretation of Literary Texts Medieval and Humanistic Philology (m) (2015/2016)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Medieval and Humanistic Philology (p) (2015/2016)   6   
Master’s degree in Publishing and Journalism Textual analysis, contemporary literature and newspaper writing (m) (2014/2015)   12    LETTERATURA, EDITORIA E GIORNALISMO (M)
PAS A050 Literary subjects in secondary schools Italian Literature [Gruppo 1] (2013/2014)   4.5    (Modulo 1)
Master’s degree in Publishing and Journalism Textual analysis, contemporary literature and newspaper writing (m) (2013/2014)   12    LETTERATURA, EDITORIA E GIORNALISMO (M)
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Genres and history of the italian language (p) (2012/2013)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Genres and history of the italian language (p) (2011/2012)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Heritage Italian Literature BC (i+p) (2010/2011)   12   
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Italian Philology LM (i+p) (2009/2010)   12    I MODULO PARTE (I)
Bachelor’s degree in Humanities Italian Philology LM (i+p) (2008/2009)   12   
Degree in Arts and HUmanities Italian Philology (i) (2007/2008)   3   

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Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Translations of the classics from greek into latin in the humanistic age Study of latin translations from the greek in the humanistic age with particular regard to the latin version of Erodoto by Lorenzo Valla Medieval and Modern Philology and Literature
Philology and palaeography; historical linguistics
Title Starting date
Gli autografi di Aldo Manuzio 1/1/24
Edizione critica dell''Itinerario' di Ludovico de Varthema 1/1/24
Edizione critica del 'Quintiliani Tulliique examen' di Lorenzo Valla 1/1/24


Department facilities
