Degree in Cultural Assets

Course modules

Course not running

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List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
Cultural Anthropology (i) not yet allocated
Archaeology and History of Greek and Roman Art (i) not yet allocated
Archaeology and History of Greek and Roman Art (p) not yet allocated
Landscaping (i) not yet allocated
General Botany (i) not yet allocated
Italian Philology (i) not yet allocated
Geography A (i) not yet allocated
Geography B (i) not yet allocated
Basic Information Technology (i) LT not yet allocated
Italian Literature FI (i) Stefano Verdino
Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature (i) not yet allocated
Contemporary History (i) Emilio Franzina
History of Medieval Art (i) not yet allocated
History of Medieval Art (p) not yet allocated
History of Modern Art (i) Loredana Olivato (Coordinator)
History of Modern Art (p) Loredana Olivato
Ancient Greek History (i) Attilio Mastrocinque
Medieval History (i) BC Andrea Castagnetti
Modern History (i)LT Gian Paolo Romagnani
Roman History (i) Ezio Buchi

Further didactic activities
