Postgraduate Degree in Linguistics (until 2008-2009)

Course modules

Course not running

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1st semester from 10/4/04 to 1/22/05
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Glottology Giovanna Massariello
B History of linguistics Giorgio Graffi

2nd semester from 2/21/05 to 5/28/05
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Theoretical Philosophy Arnaldo Petterlini (Coordinator)
B French linguistics 1 Pierluigi Ligas
B English linguistics 1 Anna Zanfei
B Russian linguistics 1 Sergio Pescatori
B Spanish linguistics 1 Rosa Maria Rodriguez Abella
B German linguistics 1 Birgit Alber
Germanic Philology (LS) Maria Adele Cipolla (Coordinator)
Romance philology (LS) Anna Maria Babbi (Coordinator)
Theoretical Philosophy 2 Arnaldo Petterlini
French Linguistics 2 Pierluigi Ligas
Russian linguistics 2 Sergio Pescatori
Spanish linguistics 2 Rosa Maria Rodriguez Abella
German linguistics 2 Birgit Alber

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Foreign language Didactics (LS) Camilla Bettoni
Greek Literature not yet allocated
History of the Greek language not yet allocated
C Social Psychology Franco Cesaro
Social Psychology 2 Franco Cesaro

Teachings borrowed from the Faculty of Lettere e filosofia
1st Semester from 10/4/04 to 12/21/04
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C General Psychology Ugo Savardi
Latin Literature Alberto Cavarzere
General Psychology 2 Ugo Savardi

Teachings borrowed from the Faculty of Lettere e filosofia
2nd Semester from 2/21/05 to 6/4/05
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Philosophy of Science Antonio Moretto
B Phonetics and Phonology Attilio Giuseppe Boano
B General linguistics 2 (LS) Attilio Giuseppe Boano
B General linguistics (LS) Attilio Giuseppe Boano
B Compared history of Classical Languages Simona Marchesini
A History of the Italian language Erasmo Leso
Medieval Latin Literature Antonio De Prisco
English linguistics 2 Domenico Pezzini
History of the Latin language Gianmario Prugni

Further didactic activities
