Masters in Journalism (until 2007-2008)

Course modules

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1st semester from 10/2/06 to 12/20/06
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Political geography and economics (s) Silvino Salgaro
C Journalism and literature (s) Paolo Getrevi
D Intercultural Journalism (s) Maurizio Corte
D Advanced English for Journalism (s) Roberta Facchinetti
D Methodology of the history of concepts Riccardo Pozzo
A Methods and technics of journalistic report (s) Paolo Morando
D Political theory Adriana Cavarero
A Sociology of Mass Communication (s) Domenico Secondulfo
B History of the journalism (s) Emilio Franzina
B Broadcasting journalism (s) Alessandro D'Errico
C Theory and Techniques of the advertising communication (s) Massimo Bellotto
3° 5° C Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature (i) Paolo Getrevi

2nd semester from 2/19/07 to 6/1/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Information law and professional ethics code (s) Giovanna Ligugnana
A Journalistic writing workshop (s) Michelangelo Bellinetti
D Modern political philosophy Olivia Guaraldo
B History of mass communications (radio, cinema, tv, new media) (s) Lorenzo Rocca
C History of the political doctrine in the journalism (s) Adriana Cavarero
C Theory and models for reasoning (s) Pierdaniele Giaretta
D Theory and techniques of the communication through images (s) Giancarlo Beltrame
A Computing devices for the journalists (s) Michela Farenzena
3° 5° B History of religions (i) Pier Angelo Carozzi

Further didactic activities
