Degree in Communication Science: publishing and journalism

Course modules

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I semestre from 10/1/07 to 12/20/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Philosophy of Communication (i) Ferdinando Luigi Marcolungo
A General linguistics (i) Denis Delfitto
B Social Psychology sc (i) Massimo Martini (Coordinator)
B History of the Italian Language (i) Arnaldo Soldani
C History of the Theatre and Entertainment (i) Simona Brunetti
A Logic and philosophy of the science (i) Pierdaniele Giaretta
B Political Science (i) Riccardo Panattoni
B History and Criticism of the Cinema (i) Alberto Scandola
C Bibliography and Librarianship (p) Giancarlo Volpato
B Communication law (i) Andrea Fantin
A Philosophy of Language (i) Denis Delfitto
A Political philosophy (p) Olivia Guaraldo
A Documental Information Technology (p) Michele Piana
C Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature (i) Paolo Getrevi
C Sociology of Political Phenomenon (i) Domenico Secondulfo

II semestre from 2/18/08 to 5/31/08
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Italian Grammar (i) Arnaldo Soldani
A Basic Information Technology (i) Michele Piana
B English language (i) Roberta Facchinetti (Coordinator)
A Contemporary History (i) Renato Camurri
B History of Modern and Contemporary Music (i) Elisa Grossato
B Cultural Anthropology (i) Leonardo Piasere
D Business Communications Mario Magagnino
D Intercultural Communications (p) Maurizio Corte
B Ethics and Communication Deontology (p) Gianluca Solla
D Professional interview Serena Cubico
A Human-computer Interaction (i) Michele Piana
D Reading and communication dynamics(p) Elisa Zoppei
C French Language and Literature (i) Franco Piva
C English Language and Literature (i) Yvonne Bezrucka
C Spanish Language and Literature (i) [Cognomi A-K] Antonella Gallo
C Spanish Language and Literature (i) [Cognomi L-Z] Antonella Gallo
C German Language and Literature (i) Carmen Flaim
D Methods and Techniques of Editorial Processes (p) Alessandro Bigardi
B Organisation of company information systems (i) Federico Brunetti (Coordinator)
A Sociology of Cultural Processes (i) Emmanuele Morandi
D Sociology of Communication Sandro Stanzani
C Sociology of Work (i) Emmanuele Morandi
D Sociology of Mass Communication (p) Giorgio Triani
D History of Comics (area D) Claudio Gallo
D History of writing (p) Antonio Ciaralli
D History of Books (p) Agostino Conto'
D Techniques of Journalism (p) Alessandro D'Errico
D Theory and Techniques of Multimedia Journalism (p) Paolo Dal Ben
C Comparative Literature (p) Guido Armellini
C Work Psychology sc (p) Massimo Bellotto (Coordinator)
C History of religions (i) Pier Angelo Carozzi

Further didactic activities
