Master's degree in European History and Geography

Course modules

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Primo semestre from 9/29/08 to 1/17/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Historical anthropology (m) Federico Barbierato (Coordinator)
B Historical cartography (m) Sandra Vantini
B Sources and trends for historical research (m) Gian Maria Varanini (Coordinator)
B Civic rituals: play and leisure in renaissance Europe (m) Alessandro Arcangeli

Teachings borrowed from the Faculty of Scienze della formazione
Secondo modulo del primo semestre from 11/17/08 to 1/18/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Sources and trends for historical research (m) Gian Maria Varanini (Coordinator)

Secondo semestre from 2/23/09 to 5/30/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Didactics of history (m) Marco Stoffella
C Iconography and iconology (m) Bernard Jan Hendrik Aikema
B Politics in late modern Europe (m) Renato Camurri
B Latin Paleography (m) Massimiliano Bassetti
B History of cultural institutions (m) Elena Sodini
B Medieval History (m) Andrea Castagnetti
B History of the Medieval Church (M) Mariaclara Rossi
B The History of science (m) Luca Ciancio
B History of international organizations (m) Leonida Tedoldi
B History and Institutions of Africa (m) Antonio Maria Morone
B Storia e istituzioni delle Americhe (m) Emilio Franzina

Further didactic activities
