Master's degree in Fine Arts and Archaeology

Course modules

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Primo semestre from 9/29/08 to 1/17/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Archaeology and History of Greek and Roman Art (m) Giuliana Maria Facchini
B History of Architecture (m) Loredana Olivato
B History of Medieval Art (m) Tiziana Franco
C Economics and economic problems of the art market (m) Cristina Spiller
B/C Greek Epigraphy (m) Luisa Prandi
C Greek Literature (m) Guido Avezzu' (Coordinator)
C Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature (m) Mario Allegri
C Latin literature (m) Alberto Cavarzere
C History of Classic Tradition (m) Francesco Donadi (Coordinator)
C History of Classic Tradition (m) Francesco Donadi (Coordinator)
C Early Modern History (m) Federico Barbierato (Coordinator)

Secondo semestre from 2/23/09 to 5/30/09
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Law of cultural heritage (m) Mauro Cova
B Informatics for cultural heritage (m) Umberto Castellani
B Metodologia della ricerca storico-artistica (m) Bernard Jan Hendrik Aikema (Coordinator)
B History of art techniques and restauration (m) Monica Molteni
C Christian archeology and medieval(m) Gian Maria Varanini (Coordinator)
B Landscape Archaeology (m) Patrizia Basso
C Egittologia e archeologia del vicino oriente antico (m) Simonetta Ponchia (Coordinator)
C Aesthetics (m) Giorgio Franck
C Medieval Latin Literature (m) Antonio De Prisco
C Ancient Numismatics (m) Marcella Giulia Pavoni
C Contemporary History (m) Renato Camurri
C History of Medieval Architecture (m) Fabio Coden
B The History of Contemporary Art (m) Roberto Pasini
B History of Modern Art (m) Bernard Jan Hendrik Aikema
C The History of science (m) Luca Ciancio
B/C Economic and social history of the ancient world (m) Attilio Mastrocinque (Coordinator)
C Medieval History (m) Andrea Castagnetti

Further didactic activities
