Social aspects of teaching and learning, curriculum studies, education and educational policies

Emanuela Gamberoni
Full Professor
Caterina Martinelli
Assistant Professor
Lucia Masotti
Associate Professor
Maria Pappalardo
Associate Professor
Silvino Salgaro
Emeritus Professor
Paola Savi
Associate Professor
Sandra Vantini
Teaching Assistant
Research interests
Topic People Description
Cartography Silvino Salgaro
He has been researching in the cartographic field for many years. The main interests are related to the history of the cartography of the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, and to the teaching of the same. Other areas of expertise are the mountain and its recent transformations, the landscape, tourism and urban mobility.
cartografia storica Lucia Masotti
I documenti cartografici come fonte per ricostruire le geografie e le topografie del passato
Geography Lucia Masotti
Sandra Vantini
Human geography, history of geography, ancient cartography
Cultural Geography Caterina Martinelli
Dynamics related to the production and circulation of geographical knowledge. The research focuses on the power relations which characterize these aspects at international level and analyses the mechanisms which sustain them. Moreover it investigates the characters of the main-stream of the international human geography and its connections with the british (new) cultural geography.
Geography of tourism Caterina Martinelli
Cultural approaches to the Geography of Tourism. The research focuses on how tourist practices are related to cultural aspects and how they interact with space and its organization.
Geografia economica Paola Savi
L'attività di ricerca si concentra prevalentemente sui temi dell’industrializzazione e dello sviluppo locale, con particolare attenzione alle recenti trasformazioni economiche dei distretti industriali, ai processi di riorganizzazione della produzione su scala globale e ai rapporti tra imprese e ambiente. Si è occupata inoltre di declino e riqualificazione degli spazi urbani e della valorizzazione dei patrimoni di archeologia industriale attraverso le pratiche museali (ecomusei e musei del territorio in generale).
geography and geography of environment Maria Pappalardo
Investigate the interrelations between man and the environment
human geography Emanuela Gamberoni
social geography, migrations,development cooperation


Research facilities
