Office hours September 11th

Office hours September 11th

Office hours on September 11th are moved to 1pm-2pm
Publication date
Friday, August 30, 2019 - 5:06:14 PM
Last Modified
Monday, September 9, 2019- 7:56:42 AM
Office hours September 11th
Published by
Paolo De Paolis
History of the Latin language (p) (2019/2020)
Latin literature - MODULO 2 (2018/2019)
Latin literature - MODULO 1 (2018/2019)
Latin literature (i) [Indirizzo antico] (2018/2019)
Latin literature I - LM [Sede VR] (2019/2020)
Latin literature (i+p) - II MODULO PARTE (II) (2018/2019)
Latin literature (i+p) - I MODULO PARTE (I) (2018/2019)
Latin literature (m) (2019/2020)
Latin literature (p) (2018/2019)
Latin Philology (m) (2018/2019)
Latin Philology (m) (2019/2020)