Research groups

DEaMoNs research group – Digital early modern network

We consider history as the ground where different fields of human endeavours interact and complement each other. Following the assumption that reality is relational, we believe that a historiographical approach based on the examination of historical networks, and other kinds of connections, can be useful in promoting interdisciplinary research perspectives. These in turn can help scholars to bring about original, both global and micro, connected histories, putting the past into context. Networks have always operated in complex societies, being a crucial component of the life in the past. With this in mind, we focus on the early modern world as a particularly fruitful field for our scholarly mission. The 'DEaMoNs' research group has been founded as an international platform which brings together scholars focussing on early modern connections with a digital component. Indeed, interdisciplinary research projects, dealing with a large amount of interrelated data, can benefit dramatically by the usage of sophisticated technologies for the synoptic representation of a given relational phenomenon and for the exploration of historical data. DEaMoNs works on the promotion of collective research projects; on the encounter (and possible fusion) between different spheres of the historical analysis; on the dissemination of the scientific results achieved by the members (through the organization of seminars and conferences); on the organization of workshops and other training activities about DH tools, networks reconstruction and connected histories. Finally, DEaMoNs is meant to bridge the European and the American academic contexts, favouring a process of mutual transfer of knowledge across the Atlantic and enhancing networking possibilities for the members. The DEaMoNs research group is based at the University of Verona. If you are interested in getting involved and taking part in its activities you can email the coordinator, sending your CV and a list of publications, at:
Alessandro Arcangeli
Associate Professor
Luca Ciancio
Associate Professor
Federico Barbierato
Associate Professor
Corrado Viola
Full Professor
Topic Research area
Historical Anthropology Early modern history
Botanica, medicina e potere nel Rinascimento Storia e Antropologia
Social anthropology, myth, ritual, kinship
Dante and Dante’s study in the 20th Century Filologia e letteratura medievale e moderna
Theory and history of literature, comparative literature
Early modern religious dissent Early modern history
Fisica e teologia del mondo sotterraneo Storia e Antropologia
Cultural studies, symbolic representation, religious studies
Italian Literature Lexicography Filologia e letteratura medievale e moderna
Theory and history of literature, comparative literature
Literature and Landscape Filologia e letteratura medievale e moderna
Theory and history of literature, comparative literature
19th and 20th Century Italian Literature Filologia e letteratura medievale e moderna
Theory and history of literature, comparative literature
17th-18th Century Italian Literature Filologia e letteratura medievale e moderna
Theory and history of literature, comparative literature
Linguaggi visivi nelle scienze Storia e Antropologia
Philology and palaeography; historical linguistics
Cultural History Storia e Antropologia
Cultural heritage, cultural identities and memories
History of the Body Storia e Antropologia
Social anthropology, myth, ritual, kinship
Dance History Storia e Antropologia
Social anthropology, myth, ritual, kinship
History of Italian literature Filologia e letteratura medievale e moderna
Theory and history of literature, comparative literature
History of the Republic of Venice Storia e Antropologia
Cultural heritage, cultural identities and memories
History of Witchcraft and of demonological beliefs Storia e Antropologia
Cultural heritage, cultural identities and memories
Storia moderna; Storia del dissenso religioso in età moderna; Storia della medicina rinascimentale; Digital Humanities Storia e Antropologia
Cultural studies, symbolic representation, religious studies
Renaissance Studies Storia e Antropologia
Medieval history


Research facilities
