Piano studio del curriculum II (Modern and contemporary linguistic-literary)

Registration year 2001/2002

Curriculum II (Modern and contemporary linguistic-literary)

The total number of Number of ECTS credits allocated is 129.

Programme training activities
The training activities with the same number (Nº) are alternatives.
TTA Year Credits Activity Academic year of attendance
1 A> Informatica di base (i) LT - Basic Information Technology (i) LT 2001/2002
2 B> Letteratura italiana LT (i) - Italian Literature LT (i) 2001/2002
3 B> History of the Italian Language (i) 2001/2002
4 B> History of the Italian Language (p,1) 2001/2002
5 B>
Uno o due insegnamenti a scelta (settori Filologia e Linguistica romanza e Glottologia e linguistica) per un totale di 6 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Introduction to Language Study (i,1) 3 2001/2002
Introduction to Language Study (i,2) 3 2001/2002
Romance Philology (i) 6 2001/2002
6 B> Medieval and Humanistic Philology (i) 2001/2002
6 B> Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature (i) 2001/2002
7 B> Geografia A (i) - Geography A (i) 2001/2002
7 B> Geografia B (i) - Geography B (i) 2001/2002
8 D> A scelta dello studente (vedi guida dello studente)
9 F> Ulteriori conoscenze linguistiche, abilità informatiche e relazionali, tirocini, ecc. (vedi guida dello studente)

Training activities Curriculum
Year Credits TTA Activity Academic year of attendance
B Specific activities of this program Contemporary History (i) 2001/2002
B Specific activities of this program Modern History (i)LT 2001/2002
B Specific activities of this program Contemporary History (p) 2001/2002
B Specific activities of this program Modern History (p) 2001/2002
B Specific activities of this program Latin Literature B (i) 2002/2003
B Greek Literature (i) 2002/2003
B Specific activities of this program Latin Literature B (p) 2002/2003
B Specific activities of this program Italian Literature (p,1) 2002/2003
B Specific activities of this program Comparative Literature (i) 2002/2003
B Specific activities of this program History of Ancient Italian States (i) 2002/2003
Due moduli (un insegnamento) a scelta (settori: Filologia classica e Letteratura latina medievale e umanistica) per complessivi 6 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
History of Classic Tradition (i) 3 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program History of Classic Tradition (p) 3 2002/2003
Medieval Latin Literature (i,1) 3 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Medieval Latin Literature (i,2) 3 2002/2003
Uno o due moduli (un insegnamento) a scelta (settori: Filologia e ling. rom., Letteratura ita. cont., Filologia lett. ita. e Glottologia e ling.) per 6 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
General Linguistics (p,1) 3 2002/2003
General Linguistics (p,2) 3 2002/2003
Indo-European Linguistics (p) 6 2002/2003
Introduction to Language Study (i,1) 3 2002/2003
Introduction to Language Study (i,2) 3 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Medieval and Humanistic Philology (p) 6 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature (p) 6 2002/2003
Phonetics and Phonology (p) 6 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Romance Philology (i) 6 2002/2003
Uno o due moduli (un insegnamento) a scelta (settore Letteratura italiana) per complessivi 6 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program History of Literary Criticism (p) 6 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Italian Philology (i) 3 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Italian Philology (p) 3 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Stylistics and Italian Metrics (p) 6 2002/2003
Due moduli (un insegnamento) a scelta (settori: Letteratura francese, inglese e tedesca) per complessivi 9 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English Literature (i) 6 2002/2003
English Literature (p) 3 2002/2003
French Literature (i) 6 2002/2003
French Literature (p) 3 2002/2003
German Literature (i9 6 2002/2003
German Literature (p) 3 2002/2003
C Lingua Francese (i)  
C Lingua Tedesca (i)  
Linguistica inglese per complessivi 6 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program English Linguistics (i,1) 3 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program English Linguistics (i,2) 3 2002/2003
Uno o due moduli (un insegnamento) a scelta (settori: Paleografia, Filosofia teoretica, Filosofia morale, Estetica e altri) per 6 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program Aesthetics (i) 6 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Latin Paleography (i) 6 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Moral Philosophy A (i) 6 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Moral Philosophy B (i) 6 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Philosophy of Language (p) 6 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Philosophy of Science (p,1) 3 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Philosophy of Science (p,2) 3 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Theoretical Philosophy A (p,1) 6 2002/2003
Specific activities of this program Theoretical Philosophy B (p,1) 6 2002/2003
B Specific activities of this program Romance Philology (p) 2003/2004
B Specific activities of this program Italian Literature (p,2) 2003/2004
B Specific activities of this program Comparative Literature (p,1) 2003/2004
B Specific activities of this program Comparative Literature (p,2) 2003/2004
Due moduli (un insegnamento) a scelta (settori: Storia moderna e Storia contemporanea) per complessivi 9 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program Contemporary History (i) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Contemporary History (p) 3 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Modern History (i)LT 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Modern History (p) 3 2003/2004
Uno o due moduli (un insegnamento) a scelta (settori: Filologia e ling. romanza, Letteratura ita. cont., Linguistica ita. e altri) per 6 crediti :
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
General Linguistics (p,1) 3 2003/2004
General Linguistics (p,2) 3 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program History of the Italian Language (p,1) 3 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program History of the Italian Language (p,2) 3 2003/2004
Indo-European Linguistics (p) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Medieval and Humanistic Philology (p) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature (p) 6 2003/2004
Phonetics and Phonology (p) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Provencal Literature (p) 6 2003/2004
Due moduli (un insegnamento) a scelta (settori: Storia dell'arte moderna, Storia dell'arte cont. e Discipline dello spettacolo) per 9 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program History of Contemporary Art LT (i) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program History of Contemporary Art LT (p) 3 2003/2004
History of Modern Art (i) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program History of Modern Art (p) 3 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program History of the Theatre and Entertainment (i) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program History of the Theatre and Entertainment (p) 3 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Theatrical Literature (i) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Theatrical Literature (p) 3 2003/2004
1 o due insegnamenti a scelta (settori: Geografia, Storia della filosofia, Musicologia e storia della musica e altri) per 6 crediti:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Specific activities of this program Cultural Anthropology (i) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Geography A (p,1) 3 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Geography A (p,2) 3 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Geography B (p,1) 3 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Geography B (p,2) 3 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program History of Modern and Contemporary Music (i) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program History of Philosophy A (i) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program History of Philosophy B (i) 6 2003/2004
Specific activities of this program Regional Geography (p) 6 2003/2004
B Tra gli insegnamenti a scelta del punto 30 ci sono anche i seguenti insegnamenti mutuati: Cartografia (i) e Geografia Politica ed Economica (i)  
D A scelta libera dello studente  
F Ulteriori conoscenze linguistiche, abilità informatiche e relazionali, tirocini, ecc.  
F Lingua straniera  
E Prova finale  

Type of training activity (TTA)
A Basic activities
B Characterizing activities
C Related or complementary activities
D Activities to be chosen by the student
E Final examination
F Other activitites
S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations
Specific activities of this program Specific activities of this program