Temi e tendenze attuali della ricerca (s) (2007/2008)

Course not running

Course code
Gian Paolo Romagnani
Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
Temi e tendenze attuali della ricerca I 4 M-STO/02-MODERN HISTORY Sem. I B Gian Paolo Romagnani
Temi e tendenze attuali della ricerca II 1 M-STO/02-MODERN HISTORY I sem Gian Paolo Romagnani

Learning outcomes

the course aims at deepening the problems and aspects related to the work of the historian, in order to be able to “critically read” and “understand” the manual of history as the result of the work of the historian.


Contents of the course: a) history of western historiography from the ancient time to nowadays, with special attention to the period between the 18th-20th century; b) the most recent trends in research. Between anthropology and history: the historiographic itinerary of the American historian Natalie Zemon Davies.

Assessment methods and criteria

oral exam and possible written report (for students attending the seminary).
