The course deals with the renaissance architect Michele Sanmicheli’s works between Rome (and its surroundings), Verona, Venice and the overseas territories.
The Michele Sanmicheli's architecture represent an essential framework for understanding the development of the Language "ad istanza nuova" that the renovatio urbis of the Renaissance offers in the Venetian territories in the sixteenth century. Moving from the contribution of artists connected to Verona as Fra' Giocondo, Falconetto, the Caroto family etc., the course will focus on the encounter with Sansovino up to the reception and the processing of the Roman style according to am exquisite personal code.
Oral test. At the end of the lessons the students will find in the Copy shop La Rapida (via dell’Artigliere, in front of Giuliari palace) photocopies of the most useful pages from the books quoted above. At the end of the course students will find on line, in the e-learning platform, the images projected during the lessons.
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