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Language contact and contact induced language change: typological features
Presentation of some practical applications, examples and phenomena of morphological language change induced by contact. Some examples of language change such as paradigmatic structures change, syncretism, and suppletion will be discussed considering modern and ancient Indo-European languages.
Some examples of language change such as
- paradigmatic structures change,
- syncretism, and
- suppletion will be discussed
- considering modern and ancient Indo-European languages.
- Baerman, Matthew & Greville G. Corbett. Defectiveness: Typology and diachrony. In: Baerman, Matthew & Greville G. Corbett, Dunstan Brown (eds.). Defective Paradigms. Missing forms and what they tell us. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1–18.
- Corbett, Greville G. 2005. Suppletion in personal pronouns: Theory versus practice, and the place of reproducibility in typology. Linguistic Typology 9. 1–23.
- Corbett, Greville G. 2007. Canonical typology, suppletion, and possible words. Language 83. 8–42.
- Corbett, Greville G. 2009. Suppletion: Typology, markedness, complexity. In: Steinkrüger, Patrick O. & Manfred Krifka (eds.). On Inflection. Berlin–New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 25–40.
- Hill, Eugen. 2007. Proportionale Analogie, paradigmatischer Ausgleich und Formerweiterung: ein Beitrag zur Typologie des morphologischen Wandels. Diachronica 24. 81–118.
- Mithun, Marianne. 2010. The search for regularity in irregularity: Defectiveness and its implications for our knowledge of words. In: Baerman, Matthew & Greville G. Corbett, Dunstan Brown (eds.). Defective Paradigms. Missing forms and what they tell us. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 125–149.
- Ronneberger-Sibold, Elke. 1987. Verschiedene Wege zur Entstehung von suppletiven Flexionsparadigmen. Deutsch gern - lieber - liebsten. In: Boretzky, Norbert & Werner Enninger, Thomas Stolz (eds.). Beiträge zum 3. Essener Kolloquium über Sprachwandel und seine bestimmenden Faktoren. Bochum: Brockmeyer. 243–264.
Oral exam at the end of the course and presentation of a paper during the course; for working students a written assignment on a topic chosen with the help of the lecturer.
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