Postgraduate Degree in Art Studies

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Course curriculum: training activities divided by year of enrollment
Year Credits TTA Activity Academic year of attendance
B Archeologia e storia dell'arte greca e romana (m) - Archaeology and History of Greek and Roman Art (m) (L-ANT/07) 2014/2015
B Diritto dei beni culturali (m) - Law of cultural heritage (m) (IUS/10) 2014/2015
B Informatica per i beni culturali (m) - Informatics for cultural heritage (m) (INF/01) 2014/2015
Competenza linguistica: liv. B1 informatizzato ovvero liv. B2 informatizzato della lingua per la quale è stato già conseguito il liv. B1 informatizzato nella laurea triennale:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
English B1 (CB Test) (-) 3 2014/2015
English B2 (CB Test) (-) 3 2014/2015
French B1 (CB Test) (-) 3 2014/2015
French B2 (CB Test) (-) 3 2014/2015
German B1 (CB Test) (-) 3 2014/2015
German B2 (CB Test) (-) 3 2014/2015
Russian B1 (CB Test) (-) 3 2014/2015
Russian B2 (CB Test) (-) 3 2014/2015
Spanish B1 (CB Test) (-) 3 2014/2015
Spanish B2 (CB Test) (-) 3 2014/2015
12  B Storia della critica d'arte e metodologia della ricerca storico-artistica - History of art criticism and historical and artistic research methodologies (L-ART/04) 2014/2015
B Storia dell'architettura (m) - History of Architecture (m) (ICAR/18) 2014/2015
B Storia dell'arte medievale (m) - History of Medieval Art (m) (L-ART/01) 2014/2015
B Storia dell'arte moderna (m) - History of Modern Art (m) (L-ART/02) 2014/2015
B Storia delle tecniche artistiche e del restauro (m) - History of art techniques and restauration (m) (L-ART/04) 2014/2015
12  C
Due insegnamenti a scelta:
Available modules Credits Academic year of attendance
Aesthetics (m) (M-FIL/04) 6 2015/2016
Christian archeology and medieval(m) (L-ANT/08) 6 2015/2016
Early Modern History (m) (M-STO/02) 6 2015/2016
Economics and economic problems of the art market (m) (SECS-P/01) 6 2015/2016
Greek History (m) (L-ANT/02) 6 2015/2016
History of Classic Tradition (m) (L-FIL-LET/05) 6 2015/2016
History of cultural institutions (m) (M-STO/04) 6 2015/2016
History of late modern Europe (m) (M-STO/04) 6 2015/2016
History of Medieval Architecture (m) (L-ART/01) 6 2015/2016
History of the Ancient Near East (m) (L-OR/01) 6 2015/2016
History of Venetian Art (m) (L-ART/02) 6 2015/2016
Landscape Archaeology (m) (L-ANT/10) 6 2015/2016
Roman History (m) (L-ANT/03) 6 2015/2016
Sources for historical research (m) (M-STO/01) 6 2015/2016
B Storia dell'arte contemporanea (m) - The History of Contemporary Art (m) (L-ART/03) 2015/2016
1° 2° 12  D Attività formative a scelta dello studente  
1° 2° F Altre attività formative  
30  E Prova finale -

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

A Basic activities
B Characterizing activities
C Related or complementary activities

DActivities to be chosen by the student
EFinal examination
FOther activitites

SPlacements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Per informazioni complete su obiettivi e sbocchi professionali, consulta la Scheda Unica Annuale "SUA-CdS" sul sito Universitaly.
