Fedra Alessandra Pizzato

FOTO 2021,  13 aprile 2021
Settore disciplinare
fedraalessandra|pizzato*univr|it <== Sostituire il carattere | con . e il carattere * con @ per avere indirizzo email corretto.

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I am a Postdoctoral Fellow specializing in the History of Science at the University of Verona (Italy), concurrently serving as an Associate Researcher at the Institut d'Arqueologia de la Universitat de Barcelona IAUB (Spain).

In addition to my academic positions, I hold the role of Adjunct Professor at both the University of Verona, where I teach "Science Communication" at the Bachelor's level in a comprehensive course spanning 36 hours, and the University of Padua, where I contribute to the Master's level course on "Museum, Heritage, and Collections" with an 8-hour module.

My responsibilities extend to the academic realm as the curator of the "Did-Acta" section for Scientia. Rivista della Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza. Furthermore, I am honored to serve on the editorial board of NatureCulture, a Peer-Reviewed Scientific Series affiliated with the Civic Museum of Natural History in Verona.

Actively engaged in the academic community, I am a member of several scientific societies both within Italy and internationally. Notably, I contribute to the coordination team for the "School working group" of the Italian Society for the History of Science.

My recent editorial endeavor includes overseeing the special issue of Nuncius titled 'Rethinking Ancient Remains: Archaeological Practices and the Circulation of Scientific Knowledge.' I am currently working on a book that delves into the life and work of the distinguished Italian anthropologist, Giuseppe Sergi, with a specific focus on the intersections of Darwinism and archaeology.

My research is centered on transdisciplinary exchanges within the history of science, emphasizing museum collections and critical heritage studies. A focal point of my work involves exploring the history of scientific collections and their intersection with public engagement in science and heritage. 


Insegnamenti attivi nel periodo selezionato: 1.
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Laurea in Lettere [L-10] Comunicazione scientifica (2023/2024)   3  eLearning

Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.

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