The research would suggests purposes and themes related to different aspects of Antiquity studies, in historical and archaeological fields, with investigations including the Veneto, Italian and Mediterranean area:
- investigations in the roman city of Grumentum, ending up the excavation of certain areas and actuating a conservative restoration of finds and structures;
- systematic survey in the territory of Mondragone (CE) with possibility to promove a field open-area excavation;
- archaeological investigations and pottery study in the urban-rustic villa in Villadose (RO);
- geomagnetic investigations and surveys in the Hittite site of Yassihuyuk, with finds documentation and elaboration and possibility to excavate a field open-area;
- awareness, valorisation and preservation of the instrumentum scriptum in the Veneto area, with an on line data base creation;
- historical and archaeological researches on castles and medieval sites as in Illasi (VR) and Nogara (VR).