Detached Frescoes: restoration and conservation

Starting date
January 15, 2018
Duration (months)
Cultures and Civilizations
Managers or local contacts
Molteni Monica

The project target is the study of detachment (stacco) and tearing (strappo) of frescoes using an innovative, methodological and multidisciplinary approach there will be a dialogue between restoration history, artistic techniques, historical criticism, museology, art history and diagnostic technology applied to cultural heritage. In the context of this project it is intended to develop an international collaboration between the art diagnostic laboratory LANIAC of the University of Verona and the CAEM of the University of Lleida, in order to promote a scientific exchange on diagnostic methodologies for works of art. The main subject of the project will be the detachment of wall paintings conserved at Museo di Castelvecchio (Verona) and at Palazzo Ducale (Mantova), about 200 pieces in which can be spotted elements of continuity (authors identity and restoration works), but also significant differentiation factors. The complete mapping of the material will go through single-pieces cataloguing; the records will be available for on-line consultation on “Rossana Bossaglia” web site thanks to a database. It is conceived to be used by research themes, therefore it can be used by researchers connected to history of art techniques and restoration and conservation experts. The database will give complete and innovative support to tutelary interventions patterned after objective scientific criteria. In the ambit of the project will be examined museographical criteria used in the past to reallocate the wall paintings in contexts other than their originals. Moreover, thanks to the study it will be possible to remodel the Urbs picta image with informatical and technological systems that will enable the vision and comprehension of lost contexts and the dialogue between museum and urban fabric as jointly agreed to mission Horizon 2020 (Science with and for Society). The interactive methods will be used to create educational programmes ad hoc.


Funds: assigned and managed by the department

Project participants

Paola Artoni
Temporary Professor
Stefania Cretella
Temporary Professor
Monica Molteni
Associate Professor
Valerio Terraroli
Full Professor
Alessandra Zamperini
Associate Professor

Collaboratori esterni

Peter Assmann
Complesso Museale Palazzo Ducale di Mantova Direttore
Renata Casarin
Complesso Museale Palazzo Ducale di Mantova
Ettore Napione
Museo di Castelvecchio curatore
Research areas involved in the project
Storia dell'arte
History of art and architecture


Research facilities
