ISS - Intercultural Shakespeare Studies

Starting date
January 1, 2019
Duration (months)
Cultures and Civilizations, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Managers or local contacts
Bigliazzi Silvia
Shakespeare, Early modern culture, Classical reception

The project aims at creating an intercultural milieu for the study of Shakespeare with projects focused on source, translation and performance studies. Special attention will be paid to Italy as a particularly rich locus of cultural ferment in the Renaissance, heavily impacting on early modern England, and currently at the cross-roads of different cultural and political trajectories as well as migration phenomena. A core area of research is on  'Shakespeare and the Mediterranean'' and favours study of the Classical heritage in relation to Shakespeare. The project is closely connected with the Skenè group’s research project entitled 'Classical and Early Modern English Drama: Reception and Source Study'  (, with SCS ( and SENS (, and with Shakespeare and Crisis: Italian Narratives ( The project is led by Silvia Bigliazzi in collaboration with the Centre for Global Shakespeare at Queen Mary University of London, directed by David Schalkwyk.

Project participants

Chiara Battisti
Associate Professor
Silvia Bigliazzi
Full Professor
Francesco Dall'Olio
Sidia Fiorato
Associate Professor
Emanuel Stelzer
Temporary Assistant Professor
Gherardo Ugolini
Associate Professor
Roberta Zanoni

Collaboratori esterni

David Schalkwyk
Queen Mary University of London Professor of Shakespeare Studies
Keir Douglas Elam
Univerità di Bologna Professore Ordinario di Letteratura inglese
Susan Payne
già Università di Firenze Professore Ordinario di Letteratura inglese
Guido Avezzù
già Università di Verona Professore Ordinario
Savina Stevanato
Università Roma Tre
Eric Nicholson
New York University, Florence
Warren Boutcher
Queen Mary University of London Professor of Renaissance Studies
Michele Marrapodi
già Università di Palermo Professore Ordinario di Letteratura inglese
Research areas involved in the project
Letteratura inglese e letterature anglofone


Research facilities
