
Metalanguage, glossing, and conceptualization in the grammars of the Middle Ages  (2023)

Cotticelli, Paola
Metalanguage, glossing, and conceptualization in the grammars of the Middle Ages
Type of item:
Tipologia ANVUR:
A Stampa
Nodus Publikationen
HIstoy of linguistic ideas, syntactic theories, metalanguage, medieval grammars, dependent clauses
Short description of contents:
This volume contains the papers presented at the workshop with the title “Grammars, Metalanguage, and Glossing on the model language as reflection on the target language in the Middle Ages” held during the ICHoLS XV congress 2021.1 Aiming at filling the gaps in the history of linguistics and reviewing some positions that no longer correspond with the state of the art, the workshop intended at as10 sessing the analysis of the field of syntax, which, contrary to what one may find in literature, belonged to the speculation on language and to the field of interplay of grammar, rhetoric, logic even in the earliest phases of the modern age. The research carried out on the glosses, seen here as a cognitive reflection, as well as on the work of the Modistae and of the scholastic philosophers and grammarians, demonstrate a spe15 cial interest in the interclausal roles of the partes orationis.
Despite the fact that the ICHoLS XV congress has been held in remote mood, the two workshops ‘The meaningful communicative exchange in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Age’ and the ‘Grammars, Metalanguage, and Glossing on the model language as reflection on the target language in the Middle Ages’, both organized by P. Cotticelli-Kurras as a part of a project funded by the Italian Research and University Ministry, Parts of speech meet rhetoric, Project PRIN 2017, SH5, Nr. 20172F2FEZ, took place in presence at the University of Verona, on 21–24 August 2021. The workshop entitled ‘The meaningful communicative exchange in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Age’ has been published in Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 33.1 (2023).
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Last Modified:
February 5, 2024
Bibliographic citation:
Metalanguage, glossing, and conceptualization in the grammars of the Middle Ages , eds. Cotticelli, PaolaNodus Publikationen2023

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