Hours 3:00 PM
- 5:00 PM,
The reception will take place both in presence and online. Please write to the institutional address to fix an appointment:
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Students wishing to take a thesis (three-year or master's degree) in "Discipline dello Spettacolo" are requested to read carefully the "Instructions for undergraduates" downloadable from this page and to contact the teacher only after having taken at least one exam in his / her field of competence (ssd L-ART / 05). Please submit your request well in advance of the graduation session in which you intend to discuss your final paper. In any case, the dead-line to accept the requests to start writing the three-year thesis is no less than four months from the expected delivery date in the secretariat; no less than six months for the master's papers.
Simona Brunetti studies Italian theatre direction, 19th-century Italian and French theatre and spectacular Renaissance and Baroque activities with a special attention on Commedia dell’Arte. Since 2009 she has been coordinating the Herla Project sponsored by the “Umberto Artioli” Foundation of Mantua. The Herla Project entails collecting the documentation related to the Gonzaga theatrical patronage at the height of their maximum splendour (1480-1630). In April 2017 she was appointed Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the same institution. Some of her sudies deals with philological analysis of scripts and free transpositions between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries. In more recent studies she is investigating some specific performing issues of Italian playing tradition.
Modules running in the period selected: 94.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.
Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
Commedia dell'Arte in Europe | A successful theatrical system that favors the economy of making and distributing shows in a free market regime, which spread throughout Europe from the mid-sixteenth to the mid-eighteenth century. Particular attention was paid to the study of female professional beginnings; of the figure of Zan Ganassa; of the Gonzaga companies from 1567 to 1630; of comedian travels in France, Spain and Flanders. |
Visual, musical and performing arts
Visual and performing arts, design, arts-based research |
Nineteenth century Italian prompt-books and theatrical adaptations | Study of Italian prompt-books used to stage performances in nineteenth century and of the variations and parameters used to translate foreign texts into Italian with particular reference to the French dramaturgy. In particular it was analysed the Italian fortune of dramas by Dumas fils, Hugo, Dumas père, Romand, Burgeois and Mallian, Scribe. Also plays by Giacometti, Brofferio and Ferrari were taken into account. |
Visual, musical and performing arts
Visual and performing arts, design, arts-based research |
Actor dramaturgy | Study of how the stage practice of a particular actor in a particular era affects the writing of texts, scripts, transpositions, free versions and scenic adaptations conceived for the realization of a theatrical performance. Particular attention was paid to the performances conceived by Gustavo Modena, Alamanno Morelli, Tommaso Salvini, Clementina Cazzola, Eleonora Duse. |
Visual, musical and performing arts
Visual and performing arts, design, arts-based research |
Puppets and Dramaturgy | Study of the impact of puppets theory on some Italian pre-twentieth century dramaturgies and on the new idea of performer desired by the avant-gardes. In particular, the works by Pirandello, Bontempelli and Cavacchioli were studied. |
Visual, musical and performing arts
Visual and performing arts, design, arts-based research |
The Gonzagas' Patronage in spectacular field | Archival-documentary reconnaissance related to the Gonzagas' activity of patronage in the spectacular field at the time of their maximum splendor (1480-1630). In particular, celebratory events such as the entrance in Mantua by Henry III, the Voyage of Vincenzo I Gonzaga in Flanders, the marriage of Francesco IV Gonzaga and of Empress Eleonora Gonzaga were studied. |
Visual, musical and performing arts
Visual and performing arts, design, arts-based research |
Performing Arts | Studies on the theoretical, historical, historiographical, methodological and organizational aspects of the show, in particular the theatrical one, with specific attention to the role of directing, acting, scenography and all the moments of the staging. |
Visual, musical and performing arts
Visual and performing arts, design, arts-based research |
Ruzante on the twentieth century stage | Study of the materials related to the performances that have revived the figure and the work of Angelo Beolco on the stages of the twentieth century; a journey that moves from the experiences of the most important European directors of the early twentieth century (like Copeau and Dullin) to the most recent ones. |
Visual, musical and performing arts
Visual and performing arts, design, arts-based research |
Lines of business in Italian theatrical system | System of hierarchical organization that in supplanted the masks and types of the Italian Commedia dell'Arte from the mid-eighteenth, remaining in force until the birth of the director system in the early decades of the twentieth century. |
Visual, musical and performing arts
Visual and performing arts, design, arts-based research |
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